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Seaga’s industrial vending Inventory control solutions provides point-of-use access to the equipment and tools employees need.

Industrial Vending

Seaga's Intelligent Inventory Control

Given the growing requirements of industrial vending, Seaga Manufacturing Inc. unveils its IIC SightGuard. Engineered ahead of some fundamental models in controlling cost for Industrial MRO, PPE, Office and Medical supply distribution within innumerable industries including construction and manufacturing, Seaga’s IIC SightGuard gives managers a leg up on tracking and managing inventory control. With its robust cloud-based technology integration that employs reliable scalability and proficient network handshaking, the IIC SightGuard is the optimal choice for incorporating secure inventory control. 

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Industrial vending at it's best

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Seaga's Intelligent Inventory Control

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Seaga's Intelligent Inventory Control

Lean Manufacturing

Seaga’s industrial vending solution provides point-of-use access to the equipment and tools employees need. Not only do employees have 24/7 access to tools & equipment but it also gives managers 24/7 access to usage information.

Inventory Control

Industrial Vending is designed to help companies manage their consumable inventory. It does this by providing information on what stock is used the most versus those that are used the least. tracking who’s used the stock by the department as well as the individual using the products. Seaga’s system was engineered to service a number of industries providing access to PPE, MRO, office supplies and medical supplies in industries such as construction, manufacturing just to name a few.

Auto Restock

Seaga’s IIC system provides workers with the materials they need, exactly when and where they need them. This is essential to lean operations.

Seaga’s smart inventory management system alerts managers when materials need to be replenished and provides them the data they need on what tools & equipment is getting used the most.

Increased Productivity

With Seaga’s Industrial vending system managers will increase their productivity levels by providing point-of-use access to tools & equipment as this will decrease travel time to get materials.

employees have 24/7 access to tools and equipment.
Industrial Vending is designed to help companies manage their consumable inventory.
With Seaga’s Industrial vending system managers will increase their productivity levels by providing point-of-use access to tools and equipment

IIC SightGuard & Garrison

Seaga’s IIC SightGuard gives managers a leg up on tracking and managing inventory control. With its robust cloud-based technology integration that employs reliable scalability and proficient network handshaking, the IIC SightGuard is the optimal choice for incorporating secure inventory control.

Protect your consumable inventory and adhere to lean principles

  • Point-of-use Access
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Auxiliary with IIC Guardian or Standalone
  • Agile Field Configuration
  • Robust IoT software integration
  • Check-out/Check-in Capability

IIC Guardian, Sentry & Warden

Seaga’s IIC locker family provides all of the security that the IIC SightGuard provides in 24, 18, and 16 door lockers that are easy and ready to deploy within your production and work environment. Seaga’s lockers are engineered to run in tangent with a system of units or as individual auxiliary units. 

Enjoy many of the same advantages that the IIC SightGuardes provide in the 24, 18, and 16 door locker by Seaga. 

  • Point-of-use Access
  • An array of locker sizes
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Auxiliary with IIC Guardian or Standalone
  • Agile Field Locker Configuration
  • Robust IoT software integration
  • Check-out/Check-in Capability


With Seaga’s Industrial vending system managers will increase their productivity levels by providing point-of-use access to tools and equipment
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